OCI - Open Container Initiative
OCI stands for Open Container Initiative
Here you will find, what does OCI stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Open Container Initiative? Open Container Initiative can be abbreviated as OCI What does OCI stand for? OCI stands for Open Container Initiative. What does Open Container Initiative mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of OCI
- Langue d'Oc (post 1500)
- Oceanic, Alaska USA
- Oracle Call Interface
- On Campus Interviews
- On Campus Interviewing
- Organization of the Islamic Conference
- Object Computing, Inc.
- Otter Creek Institute
View 83 other definitions of OCI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OCG Oakdale Care Group
- OMHCI Overlook Masonic Health Center Inc
- OBPAPL On the Ball Personnel Australasia Pty Ltd
- OCC Oak Capital Corporation
- OESL Onsite Engineering Services Ltd
- OC The Opal Club
- OIPL Oxford Investment Partners LLC
- OSP Orchard Street Press
- OSRESL One Stop Real Estate Services LLC
- OWN Optimal Wellness Niagara
- OSAL Olson Shaner Attorneys at Law
- OTE Old Town Editions
- OFS One Fat Sheep
- OCPL Onus Communication Pvt. Ltd
- OMC Oxford Mortgage Corporation
- OW Open the Windows
- OVS Old Vicarage School
- OOCLL Orient Overseas Container Line Limited
- OMS Open Mind Systems
- O1MS Opus 1 Music Studio